
Saxophonist John Doheny was born in Seattle Washington in 1953 but has spent much of his adult life in Canada, primarily in Vancouver and Toronto. After early experiences accompanying strippers in bars and cabarets he became a professional R&B sideman in the late 1970s, touring and recording with artists both prominent and obscure. In 1991 he returned to Vancouver and began a program of intense musical study, both in academe (Vancouver Community College, the University of British Columbia) and in the more informal area of performance. He asserts that "all human intercourse is either an opportunity to learn or to teach. Everything that I know about jazz performance (to the extent that I know anything at all) I owe to those players, teachers and students who have suffered to share the bandstand and the teaching studio with me." Since 2003, Mr. Doheny has been a permanent resident of New Orleans, Louisiana, but makes every effort to spend summers in Canada because "it's too damn hot down here then."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bill Summers at the Rat.

After much back and forth we've finally got a hard date on the first of our series of performances at the Rathskellar Bar in the basement of the Lavin-Bernick Center For Student Life here on the Tulane campus. This coming Thursday, October 29th at 8:00p.m. percussionist Bill Summers will appear with the Tulane Student Combos.

Summers of course is best known for his work with Herbie Hancock, most notably the groundbreaking 1973 album "Headhunters," but his career is much broader than that, encompassing film and television work ( The Color Purple, Roots) as well as nine solo releases. In New Orleans he led the band "Summer's Heat" (guitarist and singer duo Bill Solley and Kim Prevost are alumnae) and currently works in Irvin Mayfield's Afro-Cuban Nuevo-Orleans project "Los Hombres Calientes."

I've told the students to be ready, cause Bill doesn't mess around. If they don't know their stuff strong, he will put them in the ditch.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Young Men Olympian 2009 Parade Pics.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Robert Glasper and Re-Birth Clinics.

Yikes! Sorry for the short notice on these, but I've been slammed, absolutely slammed with stuff.

Today, yes that's today, Oct. 20th at 4:00P.m. in the band room at Tulane (Dixon Hall, Rm. 260) snare drummer Derrick Tabb and bass drummer Kieth Frasier will show the evolution of traditional parade rhythms as they developed into the current 'new school' of funky innovations and applications. Charles Keil will moderate.

And right the next day, Oct. 21st, pianist Robert Glasper and his trio will hold forth on the state of modern jazz piano. 1:30p.m. Dixon Hall, rm. 260. Be there or be square.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Kohler/Doheny CD

I'm trying to put my hand on the name of the famous physicist who supplied us with the quote, "time is God's way of preventing everything from happening at once." Was it Stephen Hawking? Albert Einstein? Lenny Bruce? Doesn't matter because it's at least partially hogwash. Right now a confluence of at least five events (the Profs of Pleasure CD, the fall term at Tulane, the upcoming midterms at Tulane, an additional TIDES (Tulane Interdisciplinary Educational Seminar) course I've taken on, and some deadlines on academic writing) is making it seem like everything is happening at once.

The "Profs vol 2." CD is in the mixing stage now, so the pressure is partially off there. But a new project looms large, and that's the recording I'm scheduled to do this month with bassist/composer Rob Kohler. Rob's will be a familiar name if you know the jazz program at Stanford University in California (he's on faculty at the jazz camp there) the Bozeman Bass Bash in Bozeman, Montana (where he also teaches) and especially to those familiar with the jazz scene in Vancouver, Canada, where he is a frequent collaborator in recordings and live performances by Vancouver guitarist and educator Jared Burrows (the Jared Burrows Trio) and British saxophonist and composer Len Aruhlia (the Len Aruhlia Quintet). Just to show you what a small world the jazz community is, when he first moved here to New Orleans two years ago we discovered we not only knew and had played with both Jared and Len, but also a half dozen or more musicians on two continents, including drummer Stan Taylor, who played in my Vancouver quintet for years and appears on my first solo CD "One Up, Two Back."

I'm afraid that those of you who think this is all part of some sort of 'master plan' to catapult my personal agenda forward are doomed to disappointment, as events in my life tend to resemble more a collection of random objects falling down a flight of stairs than any kind of coherent plan. At this point we're not even entirely sure who's going to be on the record besides us, although New Orleans drummer Geoff Clapp appears to be definitely on board. We have a couple of tantalizing prospects for piano and/or guitar (I'll say no more about this, lest I jinx it), but we still might do a few tracks as a bass-drums-tenor trio. Hell we might do a tune or two as a bass-sax duo, Rob and I have played entire gigs in that format, and he's just released a duo CD with Billings, Montana percussionist Clay Green, "Harmony and Bells." I'm not even sure what we're going to play, although I have some ideas and suggestions, as does Rob. All I know for sure is, by this time next month we'll have a CD in the can.